Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Wings and/or (“Wings”, “we”, or “us”) processes and collects information from the users of our program (“users”, or “you”). This Policy also explains what we do with the information we collect, and the choices you have concerning the collection and use of such information. We request that you read this Privacy Policy carefully. Please note that by using the Program (which includes any of our web site, mobile app or other such future technologies), you consent to our practices as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy doesn’t apply to any third-party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible through our Program.

This Privacy Policy is intended to meet global requirements, including those in North America, and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


Users may be asked to provide certain personal information when they sign up for our Program including but not limited to name, e-mail address and the type of personal computer or mobile device being used to access the Program. We also gather personal information from the ongoing use of the Program. The personal information collected is used primarily to improve your experience as you use our Program.

Use of your information

As is common practice among websites, we use “cookies” to provide an automatic login so that you do not have to re-enter your username and password each time. We send you e-mails pertaining to the use of the Program such as tips and information on new content that may become available. On occasion, we may send you promotional e-mails regarding this program that could be of interest to you. We use your personal information only for the purpose of completing purchase transactions and for recurring billing if you choose an auto-renewing subscription plan. We use information collected in the Program to serve content to you based on your progress and to recommend content. We may collect certain information automatically through our Program or other methods of web analysis, such as your IP address, cookie identifiers, mobile carrier, mobile advertising identifiers, MAC address, IMEI, Advertiser ID, Game Center ID, and other device identifiers that are automatically assigned to your computer or device when you access the Internet, browser type and language, geolocation information, hardware type, operating system, Internet service provider, pages that you visit before and after using the Program, the date and time of your visit, the amount of time you spend on each page, information about the links you click and pages you view within the Program, and other actions taken through use of the Program.

How to Manage your Information

At any time, you have the right to view, or ask us to delete, your personal information, or to delete your account in full by sending a request to You can unsubscribe from our email list at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of any email you receive from us. You can disable the use of cookies, the tracking of location data, and tracking of many of the specified identifiers in the settings sections of your browser(s) and device(s). Even if you choose to have your personal information deleted, in using the Program, we may still collect and use non-Personal, Anonymized or Aggregated Information regarding your activities on our Sites and/ or information from the advertisements on third party websites for non-interest based advertising purposes, such as to determine the effectiveness of the advertisements.


Your personal information will never be licensed or sold to any third party. However, we engage third party service providers to work with us to administer and provide services related to the Program. These third-party services providers (“Processors”) have access to your personal information only for the purpose of performing services on our behalf. These Processors to whom we entrust personal information include service providers for IT services, payment processing, customer service activities, and other such services to help us optimize the Program. We ensure that all such Processors have Privacy Policies that prohibit them from using or sharing personal information except as necessary to perform the contracted services on our behalf, or to comply with legal requirements.

Information Shared with Business Partners

We may share personal information with certain of our business partners to provide you with a product or service that you have requested. We may also provide personal information to business partners with whom we may jointly offer products or services, or whose products or services we believe may be of interest to you. In such cases, our business partner’s name will appear, along with ours. We require our affiliates and business partners to agree in writing to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal information they maintain on our behalf.

Affiliate Links

Occasionally you may have clicked on one of our affiliate links and signed up or bought something via that link. In this case, the person or organization in charge of the affiliate link will have the information that you have submitted. This may be your email address, name, address, or whatever else they asked you. If you have signed up or bought something from us via an affiliate link, please check the privacy policy on their site.

Third-Party Payment Processing

When you make purchases through the Program, we process your payments through a third party application, Apple's App Store®. The third party application may collect certain financial information from you to process a payment on our behalf, including your name, email address, address and other billing information.

Responses to e-mail inquiries

When Users send email inquiries to us, the return email address is used to answer the email inquiry we receive. Unless this email address is the one used to create your account, our company does not use the return email address for any other purpose and does not share the return email address with any third party.

Cookies & Beacons

We may use “Cookies” to collect information. Cookies are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive, at a web site’s request. The Cookies we use do not contain any personal information, but are used primarily to keep track of temporary information. For example, Cookies help us understand the size of our audience and traffic patterns, to collect and record information about what you viewed on our Web site and what you viewed in our e-mail, to manage and present site information and the pictures displayed on your computer, and to deliver information specific to your interests. We may also place small “tracker gifs” or “beacons” on certain of the pages on our website, in online advertising with third parties, and in our email. We use these beacons, in connection with Cookies, to collect non-personal data on the usage of our site including but not limited to the date and time of the visit, the pages visited, the referring web page, the type of browser, the type of operating system, and the domain name of the visitor’s Internet service provider. This information is collected about thousands of site visits and analyzed as a whole. This information is useful in, for example, tracking the performance of our online advertising such as online banner ads and to determine where to place future advertising on other web sites. If you are uncomfortable with the collection of such information through the use of these tracking methods, we recommend disabling these features through your browser preferences, though please understand this will limit the performance and functionality of certain elements of the Program. Your browser documentation should provide specific procedures for disabling cookie and beacon support. You may stop or restrict the placement of cookies on your computer or remove them from your browser by adjusting your web browser preferences. Please note that cookie- based opt-outs are not effective on mobile applications. However, on many mobile devices, application users may opt out of certain mobile ads via their device settings. Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a privacy setting that users can set in certain web browsers to prevent the tracking of certain information about their visits. We do not presently have the capability to track DNT signals.

Public Posting

Some parts of our site may enable you to participate in public services such as discussion boards, chats, live events, or to post to various social networks. Please use discretion when posting personal information about yourself when using these services. Be aware that when you disclose personal information at these sites, such as your name, member name, email address, etc., the information may be collected and used by others to send unsolicited email. The services are open to the public, and what you post there can be seen by anyone and is not protected. In general post comments through our application as you would directly on these services. Sometimes, you may find other people’s comments to be offensive, harmful or inaccurate.

Data Security

We implement a variety of security measures to help protect your personal information. We have various internal control standards which relate specifically to the handling of personal information. These include certain controls to help safeguard the information we collect online. Our employees are trained to understand and comply with these controls and we communicate our Privacy Notice, practices and guidelines to our employees. However, while we strive to protect your personal information, you must also take steps to protect your information. We urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal information while you are on the Internet. We have security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. While we make every effort to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent third-party “hackers” from illegally obtaining this information.

Encryption & Security

When you enter sensitive information within the Program, we encrypt this data using SSL or other similar technologies. However, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of any information as these technologies are not 100% secure. Accordingly, we cannot accept liability for unintentional disclosure.

Lawful Requests

We may disclose your personally identifying information, and other data about you, if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with a legal governmental request; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of our company; (c) enforce the Terms and Conditions; or (d) act in urgent circumstances to protect data security.

Change of Control

All of the information in our company would be transferred to a subsequent owner, co-owner or operator of the Program or applicable database; or in connection with a merger, consolidation, restructuring, the sale of substantially all of our interests and/or assets. The acquirer would have the responsibility to honor this privacy policy.

Revisions to this Policy

We reserve the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy, our Terms & Conditions, and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner, by updating this posting.

Where to direct questions about our privacy policy…

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the practices described herein, you may contact us at